Evidence Based Information

The NAHA is an organization dedicated to providing evidence-based information and guidance for our members. We absolutely support and applaud individual health journeys and celebrate individual successes. Our organization is based and founded on learning how to maintain health, prevent disease, and live as healthy as we can with disease in all of the four pillars of health; body, mind, social, and financial.

All individual successes, public opinions, and recommendations are subject for review of safety, efficacy, and applicability to general populations. All position statements will form around the weight and strength of evidence starting with peered reviewed reproducible studies or expert consensus in areas where the such studies do not exist. Any and all evidence presented will and should be subject to a critical review process in order to assure as accurate information as possible. It is important for everyone that we get this right.

This process should never be about belief or blind trust, this is about an evidence-based process of learning and understanding the health and disease cycle. We should always keep our minds open to the concept that, whatever we think we know, maybe we are wrong.

Ethical Standards and Practice: Business Relationships

The NAHA is a for profit organization that will allow marketing and advertising by any entities working in the health, activities, nutrition, education, destination, or financial space as long as there is no intended or unintended harm for our consumers. The allowance of such does not equivocate to endorsement. Any and all public products or services working in this space will be open for discussion and review by the NAHA or any of its members, employees, or board. We are a non-biased organization utilizing evidence-based review for any and all opinions. Our first and foremost dedication is to the standards and ethics of our organization and to its members and the population as a whole. We will, at all times, provide facts, education, and information consumers can trust knowing these opinions may be modified based on new evidence or research. We want to be as accurate as possible. As often occurs in all fields of health, we will welcome different points of views for all topics with a demarcation of where the most current weight of evidence falls, if such evidence exists. All marketing will be labeled as such and not hidden in content or opinions. Native advertising will not be allowed. Positive opinions by the NAHA are not for sale and negative opinions should not be threatened at the fear of losing marketing dollars. We are an organization dedicated to providing education, information, and resources for the promotion of health and wellness. Ethics and pride over profits.

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